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Case Studies

A summary of past work for clients and how our services have helped them grow.

Enabling botanic healthcare

Reach carbon neutral​

Working closely with management at Botanic Healthcare, a major nutraceutical firm in their carbon neutrality and ESG strategy.

Following an initial Carbon Assessment, assisting them on setting their sustainability goals and roadmap.

Data analysis and setting up a functional, efficient data capture mechanism.

Going forward, will advise them on sustainable procurement, packaging recycling, food waste management and water management.

Helping kanha shantivanam

Report their sustainable actions​

With inputs and data from their executive team, preparing a comprehensive ESG Report.

Covering all bases and delivering a report based on international frameworks of GRI and TCFD.

To be followed up by collaborations with partners to better manage their carbon emissions and offer natural offsets.

Delivering environment friendly employee kits

To Amazon India​

Amazon has a strong environment focus and has been doing multiple actions in their sustainability journey.

In one of their initiatives to install sustainability, we helped them provide zero waste and eco friendly employee joining kits for their new hires.

Specially curated and customized, these joining kits are one of the best ways Amazon and others choose to reduce their carbon footprint

An essential component of promoting sustainable lifestyles is internal awareness by major firms and this formed a keystone for Amazon in showing their new joinees what they believe in

Helping utpatti at kaivalyadhama

Establish an eco-friendly store

For a yoga institute in Lonavla, we have been regularly supplying environment friendly products such as bamboo toothbrushes, neemwood combs and bamboo shaving razors.

This store has been a regular partner and co created many of the product requirements with us.

The engagement led to further collaboration in the form of an ESG Report for Kaivalyadhama where we are now working closely with their teams in showcasing their other sustainability actions.

The engagement led to further collaboration in the form of an ESG Report for Kaivalyadhama where we are now working closely with their teams in showcasing their other sustainability actions.

Promoting sustainability

In Hospitality & Healthcare

In order to achieve sustainability and as first steps, hotels such as Sheraton, Park Continental, A’la Liberty and Om Niwas have worked with us for eco-friendly guest utilities and other environment friendly products.

With specific customisation and tailored solutions for each institution, we have been able to successfully assist them in their sustainability journey.

The story extends to healthcare, where we have partnered with IHH Healthcare, Continental Hospitals, Astra Healthcare, Pranaam Hospitals and Global Hospitals for eco-friendly products for their own use and for gifting.

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